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About VELA

The Van Etten Lake Association was founded as a not-for-profit organization in 1981. The By-Laws originally stated the organization's purpose and were the basis for the not-for-profit model. Our leaders are volunteers who are elected at the annual meeting by democratic vote for a term of two years.   One half of the Board of Directors have their terms expiring each year. VELA networks with other lake associations and in particular the Pine River Van Etten Lake Watershed Coalition in an effort to understand our impoundment and how the lake affects neighbors, users and wildlife.  We are particularly concerned about how the surrounding environment has impacts on our lakeside experience.


  • Van Etten is a 1420 acre mesotrophic lake

  • 6 miles long --one mile in width

  • Average depth of 15 feet

  • Maximum depth of 33 feet

  • Lake volume--7.5 billion gallons

  • Lake level maintained by court order at 589.2 feet above sea level

  • 10.7 miles of shoreline

  • 28 species of fish

Interesting Van Etten Facts

VanEtten Family History 1654-1783

VanEtten Post Card Images

The Great Fire of 1911

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